Covid Guidelines
Our Guesthouse COVID instructions
Covid Guidelines
As per the SOP on preventive measures in Hotels and Other Hospitality Units to contain the spread of COVID-19 issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, the guests are advised to follow the guidelines mentioned below:
- The physical distancing of at least 6 feet is to be followed as far as feasible.
- Use of face covers/masks is mandatory.
- Practice frequent hand washing with soap (for at least 40-60 seconds) even when hands are not visibly dirty. Use of alcohol-based hand Sanitizers (for at least 20 seconds) can be made wherever feasible.
- Respiratory etiquettes to be strictly followed. This involves a strict practice of covering one’s mouth and nose while coughing/sneezing with a tissue/handkerchief/flexed elbow and disposing off used tissues properly.
- Self-monitoring of health by all and reporting any illness at the earliest to state and district helpline.
- Spitting is strictly prohibited.
- It is requested that the guests have to be fully vaccinated or produce their negative Covid rt PCR (72 hrs) report with a QR code. The report should not be older than 72 hours.